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Catching Zs...........Kind of Important!!

Have you ever heard someone say, “there will be plenty of time to sleep once you are dead”? We are willing to bet that this was probably stated by someone who is not actually that healthy. In fact, proper sleep is just as important to your overall health as eating well and moving your body on the regular. Please do your best to make sleep a priority for yourself and here are some reasons why:

Sleeping well can keep your body in check. Yes, we said it. Sleep can help you, not only in losing the extra pounds but also in keeping them off!

Maintains your immune system. If you are not getting enough sleep, you are breaking down your body’s ability to fight off anything foreign. You could be running on adrenaline where eventually, you may hit a brick wall.

People will like you more! It is no secret that a well-rested person is one who is likely pleasant to be around. Unless they are just cranky and grumpy in nature. Seriously though, it is factual that lacking in sleep makes it difficult for you to regulate your emotions and interact with others.

Its is so important that you are sleeping well. Perhaps take a moment to reflect and cultivate new strategies to help you achieve rest. Perhaps it is a cup of chamomile or peppermint tea. For some it could be a warm bath with fragrant, relaxing salts to help your body settle. It could even be a late evening jog through the neighbourhood to exert the last bit of energy you had for the day. Whatever your strategy, seize it with gusto and get some good sleep!!

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