I am generally a competent person. I appreciate problem solving and having a project where I get to work my way through to a solution. There is a level of anticipation and excitement that I experience when someone comes to me looking for support.
Having computer troubles, questions about pets, need advice on great gift options, travel ideas, or just a pair of hands to get a job done?! I’m your person! I love to help and readily want to see people find solutions.
These anticipatory feelings and motivation completely diminish when I am faced with mechanical issues with my vehicle. I can change wipers and filters, make sure the oil is swapped out regularly, and perform basic maintenance but then I get stuck. I had a great mechanic who I trusted but he recently moved away so I have been left in a strange and vulnerable limbo. Who do I go to that won’t take advantage of my lack of insight and will the expenses be fair and manageable?
So when my recent drive home was interrupted by electrical mayhem I had a moment of panic. I Googled and YouTubed advice and solutions but was left feeling a fair amount of anxiety that the solution was not clear cut… coupled with the pricy potential of these suggested repairs. I asked around and researched solutions but overall I was feeling stuck. I wasn’t sure how to move forward without a giant price tag attached at a particularly tight financial period in my life.
In what began as an unrelated conversation with my neighbour he immediately jumped into action once he heard my vehicle’s mystery symptoms. I knew that he worked with cars but had no clue he was employed by a dealership. The same dealership which my make of car happens to be!
He stepped up in a big way, contacted their service manager, got me in touch with them, and promised that they would deal fairly with me in their diagnostic work and repairs.
Boy did he deliver! Their Service Manager was incredibly kind and understanding, helped me out with a courtesy car, worked with my wild fall schedule that had me travelling around both B.C. and Alberta with 100s of teenagers, and gave me a discount on the work performed.
I rarely hesitate to help out where I can but don’t always expect this experience in return. I am humbled and grateful for the support of my neighbour and for kindness extended to me in a moment of need. This year The Gift Designers has been focusing on Paying it Forward and Random Acts of Kindness and I am the thankful recipient of not only a working vehicle but also a renewed sense of community and connection. I won’t soon forget the impact of a neighbour going above and beyond and the beauty of seeing someone use their skills to help find a solution.
Is it your turn to say "Thank you!" Pass on your thanks with this sweet design.
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