Dear Valued Guests, 

The Gift Designers will be closed for business Monday February 17, 2025 in observance of Family Day.

We wish you a happy and blessed long weekend, enjoying amazing company with those you love most!

Happy Family Day everyone!

Free eBooks

9 Strategies to Have Your Customers Begging For More

When you talk to other small business owners out there, you will find that many feel they are doing a pretty good job of bringing in new customers. But when asked how they are doing with nurturing those customers, most will admit they could be doing a better job. Ask someone what their average lifetime value of a customer is and what they are doing to increase that number and you usually get a blank stare and a shoulder shrug.

Nurturing your customers can not only encourage repeat sales for your company – These repeat customers can also become strong advocates and spread the word to new prospects about how amazing you really are!

Here are some sound strategies to turn your customers into customers for life = raving fans to bolster your bottom line.

Get your copy HERE

Fostering Workplace Relationships | Appreciating Your Employees

As a leader, it is your job to inspire your employees to do their best. You do this by building relationships with your employees and fostering an environment of calue and trust. 

ere is a list of 10 ways to show value and foster your relationships in the workplace. 

Get your copy HERE

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