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Love a Cold One!

There is nothing quite like the taste of a cold crisp beer on a hot summer day. Or maybe even the feeling of finally getting to sit back and relax after a long week or day in the office. For many, a cold brew is incredibly satisfying. Did you know that beer wasn’t always available in cans? We didn’t know either but now we do, and we find it quite interesting to say the least!

Beer cans are almost a century old. Development began in 1933 with the Gottfried Krueger Brewing Company of Newark New Jersey and was later commercialized and released in 1935. Designs varied as beer cans were not initially created flat as some consumers were resistant. We started out with “spout tops” or “cone tops” which we have looked up and believe us, they look as awkward as they sound. As time passed, more and more consumers became open to enjoying the beverage from flat-topped cans. Fun Fact: canned beers were not allowed to be produced between 1942 and 1947 due to WWII. After that, production resumed, and the technological development of beer cans continued. Since then, it has been a steady progression to what we know and enjoy today.

So why is today significant? Perhaps it is for the history buffs, who find facts and days of acknowledgement intriguing. Or perhaps the simple pleasures we enjoy, have deep histories and deserve to be acknowledged and appreciated. If we don’t know where we come from, how do we appreciate where we are and where we are going? As many of us may crack a cold one either today or sometime this week, here are some reasons beer cans are great!

Beer cans take less time to chill – warm beer is not that great and while your bottle may stay colder longer, we live in a world of convenience where we typically want things fast!

Storage – if you buy on the regular, cans are simply easier to store in your fridge and they are stackable.

Cans are durable – as with any fizzy beverage, if you shake them up, they will indeed explode as you open them, but if you drop a beer can it is certainly not going to shatter.

As always, if you choose to acknowledge and celebrate National Beer Can Appreciation Day, please do so responsibly. It’s a Monday so maybe one or two? 😉 Whether you buy your beer cans from the supermarket liquor store, directly from a brewery OR perhaps you purchase one of our stellar sampler baskets featuring local breweries for a friend, we hope you take a moment to observe, reflect and truly enjoy! Sometimes, its finding reasons to appreciate the little things that can spark light and joy!

Cheers everyone!

Categories: Gift Giving Tips

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