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It’s Only Like Our Favorite Snack!

The first thing that you should know is that not all corn is created equal. There are actually six major types of corn which includes dent corn, flint corn, pod corn, flour corn, and of course sweet corn. As it pertains to “popping corn”, the Zea mays variety everta, which is a special kind of flint corn, is what is most commonly used for popcorn. Thank you, Wikipedia.

Honestly though, what would the snack world be without popcorn? Would we even be able to enjoy movies? Really think about it. Nothing beats a warm bowl of popcorn and if you are someone who likes your popcorn with a little extra, the addition of freshly melted butter makes it that much more amazing. As delicious as it is, we are not just limited to buttery popcorn! Carmel coated. Candy coated. Caramel and chocolate drizzle. Seasoned. Jalapeno cheddar. White cheddar. The flavour options and possibilities are endless!

It is the little things in life that can bring so much joy. For many of us, popcorn plays a significant role in the way we enjoy special moments shared with others. Whether you are enjoying a movie at the theatre or in the comfort of your own home. Perhaps you are walking through the Calgary Stampede or Calaway Park with a bucket to share with your friends. You can even enjoy popcorn alone when you’ve cozied-up to read your favorite book or for a late night snack while studying for an exam. Popcorn is delightful and that is why you will find it in some of our favorite gifts made for you to share with others.

Happy National Popcorn Day!!

Categories: Gift Giving Tips

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