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The Importance of Packaging

There are many people who love the holidays, but there is one thing we can safely assume is our least favourite part about the most wonderful time of the year: gift wrapping! We know how it goes. You end up staying up late into the night, hunched over, making sure no one is around while you wrap all the gifts that await your friends and family. By the end, you’re going to need to seek medical attention for your aching back and your papercut ridden hands.  Though we all dread this strain, it is crucial to creating the perfect gift-giving experience. What is a gift if it isn't wrapped up all beautifully helping create anticipation and pure joy? That is the importance of packaging. What is the importance of packaging? What does it do for the recipient? 1. Shows You Care We gift to people for many occasions and reasons, but the main purpose of a gift is to build relationships. When you put thought into a gift, you're also showing that you put thought into that person. Whether you are gifting because you're in the doghouse or for the holidays, make sure you put effort into your packaging and go the extra mile for your loved ones. 2. Adds the “WOW!” When giving a gift, you want it to have a visual impact, and get the recipient to go “WOW!” Having your gift wrapped nicely will add to the element of surprise and wow factor. Most our gifts are not wrapped in a way to keep the gifts a mystery, but when we deliver gifts, we will keep the surprise for our guests recipients by not telling them the details of the gift. They don’t know who or what they will be receiving, but when it comes beautifully wrapped, it brings the “WOW!” 3. It makes it a gift What is your expectation of a gift? We all get so excited to receive a gift wrapped in a ripped plastic bag. Or not. It can be a sweet gesture to have your significant-other pick up a "just because" gift while they were running errands. However, when it comes to thought out gifts, the meaning can be found in the presentation. Wrapping your gift is what transforms a purchase into a gift. We hope these tips will assist you during the holiday! If you need holiday gift ideas to check out this section of our site HERE.

Categories: Gift Giving Tips

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