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Why Are You So Obsessed With Me?

Love is euphoric. It brings about all of the most incredible feelings. Love can be absolutely intoxicating and overwhelming but in the most positively powerful ways. It is truly an incredible blessing to be able to experience both falling in love and being in love with someone. We can become completely enamoured with another person, whom we see as the object of our affection but how far does that go? We might find tv shows like YOUDawson’s Creek or even One Tree Hill entertaining. Or perhaps you have watched movies like FearFatal Attraction (classic), Wicker Park and even The Cable Guy and thought nothing of it other than the fact that they were simply entertaining. But all of the above depict the obsessive love we call Mania.

So obviously, Manic Love is not recommended and should probably be avoided. It will do you absolutely no favors in the longevity department. No one wants to be controlled. No one wants to feel like a possession. No one wants to experience  jealousy or codependency in a relationship. We would submit to you that Manic Love could be the product of a lack of love for oneself? Food for thought right? So what can we do to avoid this?

Cultivate SELF-LOVE!!! Honour yourself. Fill yourself with good things and we are not just talking food and drink here. Treat yourself with the utmost care. Prioritize yourself. Trust yourself. Set healthy boundaries and forgive yourself often. You are an extraordinary creation so treat yourself accordingly. Recognize your own needs and work to fulfill them. You can do it and we believe in you. We wish you all to be happy, healthy, and whole.

It is paramount that two people in a relationship are whole within themselves as individuals before doing life with one another. The best thing you can do to avoid becoming obsessed with someone is to simply love yourself.

Truly, madly, deeply.

Categories: Gift Giving Tips

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