Any snow angels out there?! Some days it takes a pretty big heart to keep shoveling snow past the boundaries of your own property line! After the past few weeks in Calgary I’m guessing some of you snow angels have had to muster up a little extra willpower to keep going. There’s been A LOT of snow and I don’t think I’m the only person struggling to find a place to put it all. My backyard might be turned into a Quinzee at the rate I’m shovelling vs. the rate the snow is melting. My friend and his son shovelled out their entire cul-de-sac when they realized that their little bay would be snowed in indefinitely as clearing priority routes had swamped their town’s snow removal crew. When I initially moved into my place, during an unseasonably dry December, one of my neighbours came over at the first snowfall and asked if they could shovel out my backyard and parking area. They explained that they liked the exercise and had noticed that I didn’t even own a shovel when I moved in! They kept up this “workout routine” every significant snowfall for a couple years when they moved away. It is a pretty wonderful feeling to anticipate needing to take care of this chore and be surprised that it’s been done for you!
How about you? Are you a secret snow angel who catches people off guard when their sidewalks are cleared? Do you and a neighbour trade off whose turn it is to manage the drifts on your street? Have you been the recipient of this incredible, seasonal, act of kindness?
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