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Ladies Are We Good?

Ladies, ladies, ladies! Let’s talk about us for a moment. It is safe to say, without arrogance or scoffing, that we are majorly important in this world. Without us, it might actually stop. We have been supernaturally gifted with innate abilities to nurture our families, achieve extraordinary academic exploits, and dominate the business world. We could go on and on and on, quite literally speaking. The question is when do we stop to make sure that we are ok?

We could completely embellish all the meaning that stands behind the importance of wellness for women. It is essential that we are taking care of our physical, emotional, and mental health. There are systematic, textbook ways that women are instructed to accomplish this but what does “wellness” truly mean to you?

Its not just about eating the right foods or getting enough sleep. It is not even about the amount of water you drink or time you spend exercising. The value in wellness for women truly lies in balance and living a life fulfilled. Take a moment to reflect and ask your self, “am I living a balanced life and doing the things that I love to do?”. “Do I intentionally make time for those things anymore or is it just a once-in-a-blue-moon sort of thing?” The truth is, we know what to do but when we try to do it all at once it becomes a chore; taxing, exhausting and simply not fun.

So ladies we challenge you! We are not going to list all the things you need to do to maintain you your overall health and wellness because you already know all of those things. The challenge is to seek out the things you truly enjoy and JUST DO THEM. Maybe swap your workouts for a dance class. Or maybe you are into wall climbing or hiking. If rest and relaxation is your thing, get the bath salts out, light a few candles, pour out the bubbles 😉, and quiet your mind. Call your girlfriends, with no plans other than getting together, catching up, and having a good laugh. These things are all crucial to your wellness. It is not necessarily about what you do or checking off all the boxes, but rather that you are truly enjoying what you do and most of all, LIVING. That, my friends, is what we believe to be true wellness!!

Categories: Supporting Our CommunityMemorable Moments

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