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Revamp and Rethink Your Goals

We all set goals, in fact setting goals is a quintessential component of personal evolution. Dare we say, if you are not setting goals, that you are simply “settling”? Settling is never good but also not having the right goals, and we mean goals that are specifically right to you, is just as bad. So how do we go about setting goals or do you have goals in place that need to be revisited and possibly revamped? Here are some key questions to ask yourself.

What drives me? Figure out what your motivations are and follow them. Think of the thing that gets you out of bed in the morning or perhaps what you think of during the middle of the day that instantly perks you up and reminds you that you are capable of accomplishing ANYTHING!

What is my greatest attribute or superpower? Whether you choose to believe it or not, everyone has a superpower. We can guarantee, that there is at least one thing that you do well, one thing that provokes immediate thoughts of you! What is that? For some of us it is giving or sharing through hospitality. For others it is perhaps the uniquely supernatural ability to get a group of people organized and moving. So, find your superpower and use it to your every advantage.

What are my values and do my goals align with them? This is important. You cannot have goals that are out of scope with what you value in life. Eventually they will come to a head and create massive conflict. Just a tip: if you’ve set some goals and you are feeling tension, double check this. Something could be off. Stay in alignment.

Are my goals SMART (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time bound)? SMART goals work in tandem with key performance indicators. You will likely see this in an annual review with your employer. Essentially when your goals are SMART, they are realistic and become defined by a deadline. A good way to keep tabs on whether or not you are actually making progress!

What is the ultimate purpose? Lastly, purpose is everything. Otherwise, what are we doing and why are we here. If you are operating in or setting goals outside of purpose you are basically playing darts with wet noodles. A harsh statement? Perhaps, but it is indeed true.

We challenge you to take some time to reflect on your existing goals. Maybe it’s time to refresh or even set some new ones. Most importantly when you have achieved those goals, even if only one, remember to celebrate!

Categories: Supporting Our Community

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