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Why We Are Paying it Forward

Giving feels good and although it is not about the giver, and truly more about reaching out and helping others in simple ways, something on the inside of you lights up or feels warm and fuzzy when you have an opportunity to be kind to another human. Here at The Gift Designers, we love to give, not only because it is what we do, but because it is something that is deeply engrained within each of us. We love to see others blessed and so treasure the fact that we get to help you, our community of #gogivers, to foster your relationships by creating memorable moments through unique gifting.


This year we wanted to do something special to engage with the community, but in a way that would encourage and uplift. So we launched Acts of Kindness, where we endeavour to share stories of the moments that are often overlooked, but deeply appreciated and rest beautifully in our memories. It could have been a stranger that covered your coffee, or a friendly neighbour that shoveled your driveway. Each story shared by you carries the power to inspire our community, and even perhaps the world, to at the very least think about being kind to others.


A story that has truly inspired us this year is that of one of our guests, who decided that in addition to the gift they had purchased for their recipients, they also purchased an additional gift box for their recipient to “PAY IT FORWARD”! WHAT A BRILLIANT IDEA!! This is the perfect example of how one act of kindness will spawn another because we decided to make it an actually thing for us and we are VERY EXCITED to engage with our community and party with you in spreading kindness throughout our community.


SO we have posted it every where and we will continue in the hopes that more of you will join us this year in acts of kindness. You may not even need to purchase our Pay it Forward Gift Boxes, although the are super cute and totally awesome, but rather you could just extend your hand and your heart to someone in need. We would love to see this become a regular thing in a world where trivial things seemingly go viral, can we shift the narrative and make kindness king in our homes and communities. Can we make kindness and paying it forward go viral?? We will at least try!

Categories: Supporting Our CommunityMemorable Moments

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