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Friends Forever!

Philia love has nothing to do with romantic attraction but rather values and respect. Philia love occurs when you feel like you are on the same wavelength as others. Maybe you meet someone, and you just “click”? Over time, the levels of love and friendship deepen as they develop, and that person becomes your support. There is constant communication because the level of trust is unprecedented.

Do adults still have best friends? We certainly hope so. You can meet a lot of people in your lifetime, but there are some that create an immense impact which results in sharing aspects of your life with them. It is a beautiful thing when you find “your people” or “your tribe”. These are the people that you celebrate both big and small moments with. These are the people that will mourn with you and carry you through major losses in life. These are the people that you lean on for support or seek out for a second opinion. These are the people that help you to grow. These are the people who rally together to move you from an apartment to a townhouse, unload the UHaul truck before you even get there and start setting up your furniture! These are the people with whom true friendship is fostered in a love that runs deep.

We wish you all to have deep and meaningful friendships. Reinforced by sharing one of our beautiful gift baskets 😊 .......and throw in a bottle of wine for good measure! Wine, treats, sitcom reruns or a good movie that you’ve watched a thousand times paired with deep conversation and a lot of laughter! Take the time to love your friends.

You won't regret it!

Categories: Supporting Our CommunityMemorable Moments

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