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From Bottles to Cans

Earlier this year, January 24th to be exact, we celebrated National Beer Can Appreciation Day where we talked about the histories, and why perhaps beer cans may be a better choice. As members of our faithful and valued community of givers, you may have noticed that almost all of our beer gifts have been converted to cans.  All but one, which we will get to in a moment, but for the most part we have made the choice to roll with the cans and here are a few reminders of why cans are good to go!

Cans will keep your beer fresher for longer because the can will limit exposure to light and oxygen. There is a whole science behind it, but we will spare your minds from being blown for now 😉

Cans offer convenience by way of portability. You can fit way more cans into a cooler for camping trips and tailgate parties. They are also lighter, so you won’t find yourself questioning whether or not you made good choices on your way up to the camp site this summer!

They are better for the environment, and this is pretty important. The process of recycling cans is much simpler and more efficient than that of bottles, but along with that it takes less fuel to transport. Win!

Now we do want to honour those who enjoy the classic beer bottle because lets face it, we are all nostalgic in some form or another. We will miss bottles when the are completely gone but for now we hold on to accommodate the happy hour because it is always 5 O’clock Somewhere!

Categories: Gift Giving TipsMemorable Moments

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