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It’s Wear Your Pajamas to Workday in the USA – Should We Do It Here?

Did you know, that today in America marks the ‘National Wear Your Pajamas to Work Day’? Interesting concept isn’t it? We wonder how many people would actually indulge in the opportunity to either remain in or put on fresh bed clothes.  Would you do it?

We would suppose not having to get dressed would provide a few extra minutes or perhaps even more, of sleep in the morning routine. Some of us take our work attire very seriously and agonize over the most optimal look for the day so the opportunity for extra snooze time would be welcomed.  But how realistic would it be to just roll out of bed and go?

This quirky little day of observance falls promptly on the weekday after taxes are officially due and was thought of as a way to recover from the exhaustive tax season. Quite frankly, having the day off would be far more appreciated than meandering out of bed unkempt however, that is just one lady’s opinion. Like why not just stay in bed? Here at TGD we are all about maximizing opportunities to create memorable moments and of course we have the perfect gift to complement such a day. Give any of our ‘Comfort & Care’ gifts to any of your friends, colleagues or loved ones who truly need a day in their pajamas to recover from one of the busiest times in the working world!

Categories: Gift Giving TipsMemorable Moments

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