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Spreading Love to the Littles 😊

I am not knocking any sort of celebration for romantic love. I love love and love to see people in love; it is absolutely beautiful. However, I am an adamant believer in the fact that unless you love yourself, you cannot love others well. What if we were to shift the narrative this year and teach our children to first love themselves and then love others.

Since she was about 2, I have focused Valentine’s day on myself and my daughter. We do the obvious girly stuff; a spa day, manis & pedis, shopping, treats that always include ice cream and fancy dinner at her favorite restaurant. One thing I want to do differently this year is the addition of writing a special card. In this card, I want her to write out the three things she likes most about herself and one relational challenge to work on for the year. How often do we take the time to reflect on what we truly love and value in ourselves? Have we ever taken the time to then apply what we like by challenging the way we approach our relationships? Quick example: I love that I am creative, I love that I listen well, and I love that I am giving in nature. My challenge to myself would be to love my friends and loved ones by recognizing and being cognizant of how they need to be loved, while using wisdom to set boundaries that protect my heart. For my daughter her challenge might be to dine somewhere mommy wants to once in a while 😉

The point here is to teach the generations coming that self-love is the best love. Even if you are not a parent. Set a great example for the children around you by showing them what good, overall health and wellness is. Show them that it is ok to say no. Show them that it is ok to take time to themselves. Also show them that it is ok to give, and to love others, and to listen in understanding. So as the season of love rapidly approaches, and we see our stores filled with red and pink confections, be reminded of the opportunity to teach and instill self-love in our children.

Categories: Memorable Moments

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